Our Servicesdecratice scroll
  • Tax Preparation
  • C-corps
  • S-corps
  • Partnerships
  • LLC's
  • Sole Proprietors
  • Individual 1040
decrative scroll Contact Info
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O : 972.679.5395
F : 972.248.1148
E : info@sboveycpapc.com
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Person that made Quote

I have known Stephanie Bovey on a professional basis for over 10 years. During this time, I have found Stephanie to be a true professional with considerable knowledge and expertise in managing complex accounting practices. After starting my own company 5 years ago, the one and only person I called to handle our accounting needs was Stephanie, not only was I fortunate to have worked with her in my previous occupation but I was able to experience first-hand, her expertise and sound financial advice. At all times, I have found Stephanie to be approachable, friendly and very reliable. It is without hesitation that I recommend Stephanie’s consultancy services to any person who requires a professional and experienced accountant.

Steve Christner
President and CEO - United Tech Services (UTS)

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I have worked with Stephanie for over 10 years and she is the most professional and well informed CPA I ever done business with. She was instrumental in the growth and eventual sale of both my US AND Mexican companies. From tax advise to overall strategy I have found she has no equal. Her continuing education and up to the minute knowledge of ever changing tax laws make her the best. I highly recommend Stephanie. Feel free to contact me as a reference.

Greg Houx
Owner - Pivotal Retail Group

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Person that made Quote

Person that made Quote

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